As the Coronavirus has spread worldwide, we wanted to share tips on responding to the increasing threat. We encourage you to practice the guidance that has been issue by medical professionals across the globe.

Quick Facts on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
COVID-19, or coronavirus disease 2019, is the name given to a new virus strain that emerged in late 2019. The virus has spread rapidly around the world, with cases reported in every continent except Antarctica. We are highly encouraged to practice normal sanitary efforts more vigilantly including washing our hands for 20 seconds in soapy warm water and covering up sneezing/coughing.

According to the CDC, the virus can potentially affect people of any age, sex or ethnicity. Taking simple precautions, being aware of symptoms and, if necessary, seeking medical help, can protect yourself and help stop further spread of the virus.

Social Distancing
Social distancing is a term applied to certain actions that are taken by Public Health officials to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease. In this case, government leaders and medical professionals have called for the suspension of large scale public events. The CDC have cautioned against attending events where there are 50 or more persons attending.
Chicago Public Schools
As has been reported, CPS have been order to close schools down for two weeks. CPS schools will still provide meals to children starting on Tuesday, March 17 from 9:00AM - 1:00PM. Meals can be picked up from any school by any family who shows up -- you do not have to have a child in CPS to pick up meals from local schools. Meals will be available throughout the closure.

Economic Assistance for Illinois Families
If you are without paid sick leave or unable to work due to COVID-19, the State of Illinois of Illinois has activated unemployment insurance for displaced workers -- you can apply by calling the Illinois Department of Employment Services at 800-244-5631 or by visiting Cook County is suspending court ordered rental evictions and there is a statewide moratorium on utility shut offs, including energy, telecom and water services.
